To develop you own Skype bot, you need to create bot on Microsoft Bots Framework. So, here is the guidline, step-by-step:
- Open up this page. Sign in into you personal Microsoft account or create it.
Than you'll see something, like this:
- On the opened page press "Create a bot" and than "Register"
- Enter data into required fields and generate Bot app ID and password, by clicking on "Create Microsoft App ID and password (REMEMBER: You have to save password, which was generated)
- After that, click "Register". If everithing correct, you'll see tool tip, which infrom you, that bot was successfully created and you'll be redirected to bot setting page:
Now, you need to create backend for you bot. For this example we’ll use Flask + PySkype.
- Start the new project. Create virtualenvironment and activate it:
$ virtualenv -p python3.5 venv $ source venv/bin/activate
- Install Flask, PySkype('requests' must be installed automatically with PySkype):
$ pip install flask $ pip install PySkype
- Create base file for Flask application:
from flask import Flask, request BOT_HOST = '' BOT_PORT = 8080 app = Flask('WorkBot') @app.route('/') def hello(): return "Hello World!" if __name__ == '__main__':, port=BOT_PORT, debug=True)
And run app, to test, is everithing works well. - From PySkype import SkypeBot. Create an object and pass client id, password from Bot Framework and path to current directory, as parameters:
CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) CLIENT_ID = 'You loong id from Bot Framework, that you created previously' CLIENT_PASSWORD = 'Super secret password, that you created previously' bot = SkypeBot(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_PASSWORD, CURRENT_DIR)
- Also add endpoint to receiving messages from Microsoft:
@app.route('/api/messages', methods=['POST']) def messages(): if request.method == 'POST': print('post request received') else: print('not post request') return 'Bot is working'
- Now time to use ngrok to create HTTPS tonnel for receiving messages from Microsoft. Download it, unzip and run:
$ ./ngrok http 8080
Select https url.
- Open up list of you bots, select you bot and swich to 'SETTINGS':
- Paste you ngrok https url to 'Messaging endpoint' input (with you Flask endpoint) and press 'Save changes':
- Get URL for adding you bot to the contacts. Switch to 'CHANNELS' and tap on lable 'Skype'. Click 'Add to Contacts' and you bot will be added to your contacts. *NOTICE: for users, that used OS Linux I reccomend copy this URL and add you bot on your smartphone, because Skype for Linux now not supporting adding bots.
- Run you app and send something to you bot. If everithing OK, you'll see request in the console and on ngrok window
- For receiving some messages from you bot, you need to get conversation id and service url from received request and use send_message method of bot object:
data = json.loads('utf8')) sender = data['conversation']['id'] service = data['serviceUrl'] bot.send_message(service, sender, "YEAH, I'm working!")
- And.. that's all=) All sources you can find by following URL. To get details power of PySkype, read README. And good luck!